Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Not Quite Ready

Although Brycen is definately back to being himself he still requires just a little bit of oxygen. Last night they took the oxygen off his face at 8:30 and he did excellent untill he started really resting well and his stats were not so good. I was hoping they wouldn't have to put it back on, hoping so much that i asked the respiratory therapist if she had spoken with brycen's nurse about putting it back on! But we all dip down in numbers when we are sleeping, Brycen just isn't quite ready to ditch the tubes yet! We will try again tonight and see how it goes! Fingers crossed!!!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Go Baby Go

Today Brycen has been off the oxygen for about two and a half hours and was holding his own but he still needs a little bit of oxygen to maintain the adequate level. He is starting to feel better and staying awake just a little bit longer. We are on way to making it home, but still need a little more time and supportive care. Hopefully it wont be long!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

More Great News

Another good night the, by-papp machine seems to be helping him especially through the night. Doctors say his lungs sound good and if he can stay on room air while sleeping and hold his own then we can go home!!! Hopefully the day brings more great news!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Great News

Another good night with the by-papp machine and the doc says brycen's lungs sound better!  They are also starting him back on his formula with continual feeding instead of pedialyte....which is more good news!!  Although he will probably here a couple more nights things are looking better.  Thanks for all the love and support and prayers and all that good stuff!  It helps!!!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009


The doc just came back and said he just spoke with the radiologist whom he knows and trusts very well and the x-ray looks better than yesterday and it definately is not pnuemonia!! This is excellent news! So this means the By-Papp worked well last night and we will resume with that again tonight. We have also moved to pedialyte for fluids through the g-tube, not quite ready for formula because we aren't sure if he is aspirating and the nesson(stomche surgery from 3 years ago to prevent aspiration) has slipped. That's another battle we can deal with once he is well.

Little Fighter

The By-Papp machine is working well once they were able to put the mask ovewr his face. Brycen doesnt like things on his face and he let the respiratory team know that for sure last night by fightint them off and brycen won the first round! We had to sedate him a little bit to get the mask on his face and he has rested well all night and still is!!! Not from sedation....from being able to breathe. they took another x-ray and the radiologist hasnt looked at it yet but the doc did and he thinks it is NOT pnuemonia just some acute collapsing of the left lung wich is apparently common with bronchiolitis due to blockage in the airways. My lil man is such a fighter i love it!!!! I believe we are on the way to recovery. Any type of respiratory illness that brycen gets is always tougher on his lil lungs so they just give him suppotive care until he can fight his way back home!!!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

By-Papp Machine

S0....the results from the x-ray are in and initially they thought it might be pnuemonia so we should start antibiotics. After consulting with more docs they have decided that it may be that his lung has squished together (almost collapsed) in the lower left portion andto wait for antibiotics and start him on a machine called By-Papp which will force the oxygen through his nose and mouth (since we have learned that he is a mouth breather)ans force the airways and his lung open. We will do another x-ray in the morning and if the same spot is still there then it is safe to say that it is pnuemonia and we will then start the antibiotics. also his i.v. went bad today and they cant seem to get one back in even after 6 tries of poking and proding, the next step may be stunt in the head. PLEASE keep brycen in your thoughts and prayers that he will get better soon. Thanks so much!!
Nitetime is always tougher for Brycen when he is sick....he got to rest some butwas really tugging hard to breathe at times even with the high flow @ 100% and 10 liters (which is the highest it can go. The breathing treatments are definately soothing and helpful so wee moved those to every two hours instead of every four. The doctors came in this morning and said he is a "mouth breather" so the nostral canula for the oxygen loses some of it's effect, and he doesn't think the numbers for the oxygen are "true" to what his little body needs. They have taken another chest X-ray this morning to make sure they havent missed anything(sometimes pnuemonia lags behind the body in photos) and we will hear about that later. thanks for all your concersn,thoughts,prayers

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

back @ the healing hotel!!

So unfortunately today we were admitted to mission following an early morning emergency room visit. Brycen was diagnosed with bronchialitis aka (severe upper respiratory infection) which makes it challenging for him to breathe. Right now he is recieving high flow oxygen @ 100% and taking prednazone to open up his airways, also he is getting albuteral breathing treatments. This is a viral infection so we can only give him supportive care while he recovers and let it run its course. Please keep lil B man in your thoughts and prayers that he will continue to be the fighter he was born to be!