Thursday, March 26, 2009

Little Fighter

The By-Papp machine is working well once they were able to put the mask ovewr his face. Brycen doesnt like things on his face and he let the respiratory team know that for sure last night by fightint them off and brycen won the first round! We had to sedate him a little bit to get the mask on his face and he has rested well all night and still is!!! Not from sedation....from being able to breathe. they took another x-ray and the radiologist hasnt looked at it yet but the doc did and he thinks it is NOT pnuemonia just some acute collapsing of the left lung wich is apparently common with bronchiolitis due to blockage in the airways. My lil man is such a fighter i love it!!!! I believe we are on the way to recovery. Any type of respiratory illness that brycen gets is always tougher on his lil lungs so they just give him suppotive care until he can fight his way back home!!!!

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